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Kamis, 31 Mei 2012


       I.            Four dimensions in the modeling business.
a.       Identification of the major factors relevant to the company's progress in the future
b.      Who formulate appropriate techniques to predict future developments
c.       Develop data sources to support the strategic choices
d.       Given the choice to translate into specific actions 
    II.            The Concept Of Standard Cost And Kaizen
         Standard cost :
-          Cost control
-          Applied to existing manufacturing conditions
-          Purpose: The purpose of compliance with performance standards
-          Standards are determined each year
-          Variable analysis is based on standard vs. actual variance
-          Investigate if the standard is not met
Kaizen cost :
-          Reduction cost
-          applied in manufacturing improvements ongoing basis
-          achieve cost reduction targets
-          Target cost reduction is determined each month
-          variance analysis based on constant cost reduction
-          if the conduct of investigations into the target cost isn’t reached

 III.            Measure Estimates The Return Of Foreign Investment.
Evaluate the performance of the system is central to effective control. Performance evaluation system designed by precise enables top management to:
a) Taking into account the profitability of existing operations.
b) Determine the area that are not performing as expected
c) Allocating resources are limited by productive enterprises.
d) Evaluate the performance of management.
e) Ensure that management behavior is consistent with strategic priorities.

 IV.            Multinational Capital Costs
The theory of capital budgeting in particular using cost of capital as the disconto level, thus a project must generate returns at least equal to the cost of capital in order to be acceptable. The cost of equity capital can be calculated in several ways. One popular method that combines the expectations of return on the dividend by the dividend growth rate expectations. Assuming :
At = expected dividend per share at the end of the period.
Po = market price of the stock is now at the beginning of the period and
g = expected growth rate in dividends, the cost of equity,
to be calculated as follows to = At ​​/ Po + g.

1)      Choi, Frederick D.S., and Gerhard D. Mueller, 2005., The International Accounting - Book 1, Issue 5., Salemba Four, Jakarta.
2)      Choi, Frederick D.S., and Gerhard D. Mueller, 2005., The International Accounting - Book 2, Issue 5., Salemba Four, Jakarta.
 11)   http://dididyah.blogspot.com/

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